Thursday, March 13, 2008


78 words

Speed test

My sister in law Cara had this on her blog and I thought I would take the challenge.First time I did it, I got 83 but didn't save it.The more and more I practice, I get worse! So I'm sticking with the 78. Sorry Cara, I still beat you.Not bad for being out of typing class for 13 years. Take the challenge and see how you do.


Cara said...

Well I guess I am going to have to see if I can beat your 78- which is really good so... we will see!

Gooch Family said...

Why don't you go ahead and look at my page... hope that won't cause you any tears ;)

Brannon and Leslie said...

I beat you!!! By only one. Oh well I'm still better. I will reach 80 though.

Traci said...

O.K. so Im not so fast. My heart was beating really fast and my hands were really shaky. You would of thought this test really mattered in life of something. Thanks for the fun. I'll have to try again later.